Computational Statistics, STP 540, Spring 2025


Basic Course Information

Class time and place
Tu Th 	12:00 PM - 1:15 PM 	1/9/23  - 4/28/23 	Tempe WXLR A304
Instructor: Robert McCulloch,


Syllabus: Syllabus

Some usefull books: books

Where we are and what I should be doing?

where and what

R and Python

Information on R

Information on Python

Suggested Projects

Inference for the parameters of a Gaussian Process
See Murphy chapter 15.1 to 15.2.5. Murphy.
See also Rasmussen-and-Williams.pdf.
See also chapter 5 of the book "Surrogates" by Robert Gramacy.

Learning a single layer neural network
   see section 10.7 Fitting a Neural Network in "An Introduction to Statistical Learning", second edition
    by James, Witten, Hastie, and Tibshirani.
   Simple Chain Rule Gradient Computation for a Single Layer
   Single Layer Neural networks, complete notes from Applied Machine Learning

EM algorithm for a mixture of normals

Some old projects:
Comparing the EM algorithm with the Gibbs sample for uninvariate normal mixtures
Gaussian Processes
Comparing the EM algorithm with Gibbs for univariate mixtures Monte Carlo EM algorithm



Homework 1
Due February 6.

Homework 2
Due February ??.
  Kevin Murphy book on Machine Learning

Homework 3
Homework 3, solutions


A first look at simple logistic regression

Let's review a basic nonlinear model in statistics: simple logistic regression.
We will write simple code to compute the likelihood.
We will look the idea of vectorization which applies in both R and python.
Later we will go into more details on how the likelihood is optimized.

Simple vectorized summing in python

Simple Logistic Regression Likelihood
Simple example of logit in R,   Rmd
Simple example of logit in Python,   notebook

Script to compute the log-likehood:
R code: Logit Example in R
Python code: Logit Example in Python

Plot logit likelihood using color palettes (e.g. viridis) in R

Advanced R, Wickham, Section 24.5.
".. vectorization means finding the existing R function that is implemented in C
and most closely applied to your problem."

Simple note on vectoriziation in python: vectorization in python

Of course, if you code directly in a lower level language like C++ you get the speed:
Calling C++ out of R using, Rcpp, a Makefile, and SHLIB
Calling C++ out of R using Rcpp using rstudio

Matrix Decompositions in Statistics

Quick Review of Some Keys Ideas in Linear Algebra
   Simple python script to compare sklearn.Linear regression with (X'X)^{-1} X'y
   Simple R script to compare lm with (X'X)^{-1} X'y
   What Really IS a Matrix Determinant?

QR Matrix Factorization Least Squares and Computation (with R and C++)

The Multivariate Normal and the Choleski and Eigen Decompositions
   Look at cholesky and spectral in R

Singular Value Decomposition

simple example of svd in python
image approximation with SVD in R, thanks to Andrew Ritchey.



See chapters 4 and 8 of "Deep Learning" by Goodfellow, Bengio, and Courville.

Simple notes on single layer neural net: Single Layer

Section 3 recording, logit derivatives: recording
Section 4 recording, Taylor's Theorem: recording
Sections 8 and 9 recording, Momentum and Newton's method: recording

Mixture Models and the EM Algorithm

The EM Algorithm
   See Chapter 11 of Murphy.
   See Chapter 4 of Givens and Hoeting.
   See Chapter 8.5 of Hastie, Tibshirani, and Friedman.

Introduction to Bayesian Statistics

   Introduction to Bayesian Statistics and the Beta/Bernoulli Inference
   Normal Mean Given Standard Deviation
   Normal Standard Deviation Given Mean
   Multinomial outcomes with the Dirichlet conjugate prior
   Introduction to Bayesian Regression

Monte Carlo

Monte Carlo See Chapter 6 of Givens and Hoeting.
   Geweke paper
   R script to try various truncated normal draws
     Rmarkdown version, of R script to try various truncated normal draws
   R script to try various importance sampling approaches for prior sensitivity
     Rmarkdown version, of R script to try various importance sampling approaches and SIR for prior sensitivity
   Prior based on odds ratio
   SIR R script

MCMC: Markov Chain Monte Carlo

See Chapter 7 of Givens and Hoeting.
   Markov Chains
     Simple Example of a Markov Chain
   Gibbs Sampling
   Gibbs Sampling for hier means
     Note: Hoff refers to ``A First Course in Bayesian Statistical Methods'', by Peter Hoff
   Reversable Markov Chains
   The Metropolis Algorithm
     MH example with for normal data with non-conjugate prior on mean

Recorded Lectures
Gibbs sample for normal (mu,sigma)
General Gibbs sampler and introduction to hierarchical normal means
Gibbs Sampler for Hierarchical means
Metropolis Hastings Algorithm

State Space Models and FFBS

   Hotels Problem
   intro to state space models
   R code for hotels example
   Forward Filtering for Simple Hotels model

The Bootstrap

(Efron and Hastie, chapters 10 and 11)
   The Bootstrap

Thompson Sampling

Tutorial on Thompson Sampling


Introduction to BART
Old BART Talk
Bayesian Additive Regression Trees, Computational Approaches
   chapter in Computational Statistics in Data Science