Simple SVD in Python¶
In [24]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import math
import scipy as sp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn; seaborn.set()
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
## random number generator
from numpy.random import default_rng
rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=42)
In [25]:
## X is n x p, iid N(0,1)
n = 20; p=3
#X = np.random.normal(size=(n,p))
X = rng.normal(size=(n,p))
In [26]:
[[ 0.30471708 -1.03998411 0.7504512 ] [ 0.94056472 -1.95103519 -1.30217951] [ 0.1278404 -0.31624259 -0.01680116] [-0.85304393 0.87939797 0.77779194] [ 0.0660307 1.12724121 0.46750934]]
In [27]:
## get svd and check basic dimensions
tsvd = np.linalg.svd(X)
print("the length of tsvd is:",len(tsvd)) ## the three members are U diag(Sigma) V(transpose)
print("dim of first: ",tsvd[0].shape)
print("dim of second: ",tsvd[1].shape)
print("dim of third: ",tsvd[2].shape)
the length of tsvd is: 3 dim of first: (20, 20) dim of second: (3,) dim of third: (3, 3)
In [28]:
## get U and check that U'U = I
U = tsvd[0]
U.T @ U
print("U'U, should be identity:",(U.T @ U)[:5,:5])
print("diagonals: ",np.diag(U.T @ U))
U'U, should be identity: [[ 1.00000000e+00 1.19694154e-16 1.32067385e-16 1.34136135e-17 -1.82794080e-17] [ 1.19694154e-16 1.00000000e+00 -1.45535709e-16 3.23615668e-17 -2.25474455e-17] [ 1.32067385e-16 -1.45535709e-16 1.00000000e+00 -4.52319282e-17 2.41541892e-17] [ 1.34136135e-17 3.23615668e-17 -4.52319282e-17 1.00000000e+00 2.37948611e-17] [-1.82794080e-17 -2.25474455e-17 2.41541892e-17 2.37948611e-17 1.00000000e+00]] diagonals: [1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.]
In [29]:
## get Sigma, this is the r diagonals
Sigma = tsvd[1]
St = np.diag(Sigma) # rxr Sigma upper left corner.
# r is rank of X, which is the number of positive elements of Sigma
r = np.sum(Sigma>.00000001)
print("rank of X: ",r)
Sigma: [4.66964398 3.1048383 2.28635609] rank of X: 3
In [30]:
## get V, this is actually V'
V = tsvd[2]
print("VV', should be identity:\n",V @ V.T)
VV', should be identity: [[ 1.00000000e+00 -1.13061312e-16 -2.59660312e-18] [-1.13061312e-16 1.00000000e+00 7.05924670e-17] [-2.59660312e-18 7.05924670e-17 1.00000000e+00]]
In [31]:
## reconstruct X from the reduced form version of the SVD
Ut = U[:,0:r] # first r columns of X
## this should be X
check = Ut @ St @ V
## check that check = X
cdif = check-X
print("should be all 0 !!!!!")
should be all 0 !!!!! 3.7941871866564725e-14
In [32]:
## check linear regression
## simulate y
beta = np.array([1,2,3]).reshape((p,1))
sigma = .1
y = X @ beta + sigma * np.random.normal(size=(n,1))
<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x7a20c91d3040>
In [33]:
## fit reg in sklearn
lmod = LinearRegression(fit_intercept=False),y)
yhat = lmod.predict(X)
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7a20c873ffa0>]
In [34]:
## Xp is the moore-penrose inverse
#Xp = V.T @ np.linalg.inv(St) @ Ut.T
Xp = V.T @ np.diag(1/Sigma) @ Ut.T
print('Xp * y:\n',Xp @ y)
print('check:\n', lmod.coef_)
Xp * y: [[0.99824018] [2.00092279] [2.98850101]] check: [[0.99824018 2.00092279 2.98850101]]
In [35]:
## yhat from Ut, col's of Ut are ON basis for column space of X
yhat1 = Ut @ Ut.T @ y
check = yhat - yhat1
print("check should be 0: ",np.sum(np.abs(yhat-yhat1)))
check should be 0: 2.942091015256665e-14
In [36]:
## yhat should also be XXp+ y.
yhat2 = X @ Xp @ y
print("check should be 0: ",np.sum(np.abs(yhat-yhat2)))
check should be 0: 1.9068080447937064e-14
In [37]:
## let's see what happens in the non full-rank case
## well append X with the sum of the columns of X
Xbar = X.sum(axis=1)
print('\n shape of Xbar is: \n',Xbar.shape,'\n')
## check Xp * Xbar should be all ones
print(Xp @ Xbar)
shape of Xbar is: (20,) [1. 1. 1.]
In [38]:
## try one of these two, X1 will not have full rank
X1 = np.hstack([X,Xbar.reshape((n,1))]) # add on mean of columns
#X1 = np.hstack([X,X[:,p-1].reshape(n,1)]) # repeat last column
In [39]:
## get svd and check basic dimensions
tsvd = np.linalg.svd(X1)
print("the length of tsvd is:",len(tsvd))
print("dim of first: ",tsvd[0].shape)
print("dim of second: ",tsvd[1].shape)
print("dim of third: ",tsvd[2].shape)
the length of tsvd is: 3 dim of first: (20, 20) dim of second: (4,) dim of third: (4, 4)
In [40]:
## check out the singular values
[6.54605615e+00 4.41633908e+00 2.29326629e+00 3.68018369e-16]
In [41]:
## set rank
r = sum(tsvd[1]>.000001)
print('r is: \n',r,'\n')
## reconstruct X from the reduced form version of the SVD
Ut1 = tsvd[0][:,0:r] # first r columns of X
r is: 3
In [42]:
yhat3 = Ut1 @ Ut1.T @ y
print("check should be 0: ",np.sum(np.abs(yhat-yhat3)))
check should be 0: 4.1494585545365226e-14
In [43]:
Vt1 = (tsvd[2].T)[:,0:r] # reduced form
Xp1 = Vt1 @ np.diag(1/tsvd[1][0:r]) @ Ut1.T #MP generalized inverse
bo1 = Xp1 @ y #MP choice of coefficents
In [44]:
yhat4 = X1 @ bo1
print("check should be 0: ",np.sum(np.abs(yhat-yhat4)))
check should be 0: 3.0253577421035516e-14
In [45]:
## bo1
[[-0.49867582] [ 0.50400679] [ 1.49158502] [ 1.496916 ]]
In [46]:
check1 = Ut1 @ np.diag(tsvd[1][0:r]) @ Vt1.T
## check that check1 = X
cdif = check1-X1
print("should be all 0 !!!!!")
should be all 0 !!!!! 3.318005592500839e-14