Rob McCulloch Home Page
Two references on personalized medicine:
Winner, best paper!!
ISBA Biostatistics and Pharmaceutical Section 2023 Paper Competition Award Winner
Best Paper Award
Nonparametric failure time: Time-to-event machine learning with heteroskedastic Bayesian additive regression trees and low information omnibus Dirichlet process mixtures
By Rodney Sparapani (speaker), email
(co-authors B. Logan, M. Maiers, P, Laud & R. E. McCulloch)
Rob Venice talk on BART Discovery
Rob Discovery talk, 5-31-2024, Milwaukee,
Multidimensional Monotonicity Discovery
with mBART
with mBART
Rob dusty talk, 11-30-23: Rob dusty talk, Texas, 11-30-23
Rob dusty talk, 5-20-23: rob-dusty-talk_5-20-23.pdf, Ruey conference
BART Workshop: BART Workshop, June 2023
souse hole, 2023:
souse hole, 2024:

NFT, Austin
Ed conference, monotonic discovery
Causal Inference with the Instrumental
Variable Approach and Bayesian
Nonparametric Machine Learning ASU, September 20, 2021.
Variable Selection and Interaction Detection
with Bayesian Additive Regression Trees
Carlos Carvalho, Edward George, Richard Hahn, and Robert McCulloch
Rmarkdown Tutorial
Variable Selection with Bayesian Additive Regression Trees
Fitting the fit, variable selection using surrogate models and decision analysis
paper, a pdf file
R package: nonlinvarsel_0.0.1.9001.tar.gz
A simple way to install:
> install.packages('foreach', dep = T)
> url <- ''
> download.file(url, destfile = 'temp')
> install.packages('temp', repos = NULL, type='source')
Or, if you want to download the tar.gz file to your working directory explicity:
First make sure you have the R package foreach installed e.g.
> install.packages("foreach")
> install.packages("nonlinvarsel_0.0.1.9001.tar.gz", repos = NULL, type="source")
where the tar.gz file is in your working directory.
Simple R script for cars example
Rob talk at insper, September, 2020
contact info:
Robert McCulloch
Professor of Statistics
School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
Arizona State University
901 South Palm Walk
Wexler Hall, 528
Tempe, AZ 85281-1804
email: Robert.Mcculloch at
BART R Package
Tutorial on basic use of BART R package
BART Tutorial, Medical College of Wisconsin, 9-30-2017
rbart R Package
Vignette pdf for rbart R package
Vignette source Rmd for rbart R package
Spring 2025
STP 540, Computational Statistics, Spring 2025
STP 550, Statistical Machine Learning, Spring 2025
STP 494, Applied Machine Learning in Python and R, Spring 2025
Data Sets
Comparing R and Python
R Information
Python Information
Useful books
see google scholar page.
Loh data: