Problem 1

cd = read.csv("")
## [1] 20063    11
##  [1] "price"        "trim"         "isOneOwner"   "mileage"      "year"        
##  [6] "color"        "displacement" "fuel"         "region"       "soundSystem" 
## [11] "wheelType"

Use a single, tree, Random Forests, and boosting to relate y=price to x=mileage.

Which works best ? Pick an out of sample experiment to justify your answer.

Plot your results.

This is just a homework, don’t kill your self trying a ton of different tuning parameters.
Save that for the project.

Problem 2

Use a single, tree, Random Forests, and boosting to relate y=price to x1=mileage and x2=year.

Which works best ? Pick an out of sample experiment to justify your answer.

Plot your results.

This is just a homework, don’t kill your self trying a ton of different tuning parameters.
Save that for the project.

Problem 3

Use a neural nets to relate y=price to x=mileage.

Which works best ? Pick an out of sample experiment to justify your answer.

Plot your results.

This is just a homework, don’t kill your self trying a ton of different tuning parameters.
Save that for the project.

Problem 4

Use a neural nets to relate y=price to x1=mileage and x2=year.

Which works best ? Pick an out of sample experiment to justify your answer.

Plot your results.

This is just a homework, don’t kill your self trying a ton of different tuning parameters.
Save that for the project.