Where are we and what should I be doing?

April 6:

We finished the notes on importance sampling (skipping adaptive rejection sampling).
We had started going through the example for prior sensitivity in the simple iid Bernoulli model.

April 4:

Just did quick look at Bayesian inference for the Bernoulli parameter.

Next time we do importance sampling.

March 28:

About to do the transformations section in the Monte Carlo notes.

March 16:

In the notes on mixture modeling.
Class ended at the results in the R package mclust for the simulated data.

February 28:

We stopped in the middle of section 8, Momentum, of the notes on optimization.

Homework 3 is on the webpage. It covers optimization.
I will put recorded lectures for sections 8 and 9 of the optimization notes on the webpage
so you can work on homework 3 now if you want.

No class on March 2 (no zoom or in-person).

February 27:

Homework 3 is on the webpage.
The homework asks to to apply the optimization ideas to the logit model.

February 16:

We are about to do matrix approximation in the notes on SVD.

February 9:

We just finished the fundamental properties of the multivariate normal using the Choleski decomposition.

Howework 2 is on the webpage.

February 7:

Just did univariate change of variables in the Choleski and Eigen notes.

February 2:

We are about to do the section on determinants.

January, 31:

We finished section 4, Matrics of the Linear Algebra notes.

January, 26:

We are working through the R script for computing and plotting the log likelihood for
simple logistic regression.

Homework 1 is on the webpage and due February 6.

January, 24:

We are working through the python script to compute and plot the logit log-likelihood.

January, 19:

We are just about to the the multiple regresson of y=price on x=(mileage,year) in the
Hello world python script.

You should be playing around in R and/or python and look at the various books and websites
to find python/R resources that work for you.

Everyone (whether you are using R or python) should have a look at

In particular, have a look at:
Note the statement:
Ridge regression addresses some of the problems of Ordinary Least Squares by imposing a penalty on the size of the coefficients with l2 regularization.
What are the problems with OLS????!!!!

It is also useful to look at the official Machine Learning in R webpage:

January, 17:

We finished going through the hello world in R script, discussed python software, and started the hello world python script.
Next time (1-19-23) we will continue with the python script.

The R code I was look at is do_1-17-23.R
. The python code I was looking at is do_1-17-23.py

January, 13:

We are working throught the "Hello World in R" document at
Let's pick it up next time at the section titles
Run the Regression of y=price on X=(mileage,year).

If you are planning to use R, make sure you have R and Rstudio installed and
start playing with R.

I you are planning to use python have a look at my python information page
and get python installed.
You have to decide if you are doing anaconda, miniconda, or a system install (e.g. with pip3).

Hopefully next class we will wrap up our look at R and move on the python by going through

Raj (student) notes that on the mac home brew is a great package manager
Hey Prof,

Homebrew (Brew) is the go-to package manager for macOS. It can be used to install software libraries (e.g. Python or R), applications (e.g. RStudio), and managed services (e.g. postgres).

Command to install brew: /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"

There seems to be different flavors/variants of conda (Anaconda, Miniconda, etc.). I'm currently using Miniforge, which can be installed via brew install miniforge

- RD

January, 10:

First class.

Note that while I will be lecturing in class, the lecture will also be available on zoom and recorded.
zoom info:
Hi there,

Robert McCulloch is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Computational Statistics, Spring 2023
Time: Jan 10, 2023 12:00 PM Arizona
    Every week on Tue, Thu, until Apr 27, 2023, 32 occurrence(s)
    Jan 10, 2023 12:00 PM
    Jan 12, 2023 12:00 PM
    Jan 17, 2023 12:00 PM
    Apr 20, 2023 12:00 PM
    Apr 25, 2023 12:00 PM
    Apr 27, 2023 12:00 PM

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